Full of Joy

I believe Jesus is concerned that we experience true joy in our lives. There is solid scriptural support for my conviction. Jesus stated in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Then, in John 16:22 Jesus stated, “Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.” Both verses reveal the heart of the Lord Jesus toward the children of God. He is truly concerned about His followers’ emotional well being and desires that we experience joy in our lives.
The fact that Jesus cares about the emotional well being of His followers is a wonderful thought. The Lord of the universe, who calls us to take up our cross and follow Him, desires that we know true joy in our lives. But, how can we experience this joy? What is the basis for our joy? Based on these verses, joy is possible when we abide in Christ. Our Lord desires for each of us to abide in Him.
As a result, when we abide in Christ we will be joy-filled people. Secondly, joy is possible because Christ Jesus lives, He is risen from the dead. Life is not always going to be easy. You can see in the context of John 16 that His followers were going to experience emotional pain and hardship. But, despite this, they were going to be overcome with joy because of the resurrection.
Perhaps, you are a in a bit of a slump these days. Perhaps, sorrow has gripped your heart. Let me encourage you to abide in Christ and consider the power of God as you think about the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. I hope you are overcome with a true God given joy.