11:00 to 12:00
When you arrive feel free to park in the visitor parking across the street from the doors under the church steeple. A greeter will meet you at the door. Come in and find a comfortable place to worship in the sanctuary.

Sunday School
9:30 - 10:30
We offer a wide range of classes for whatever season of life you find yourself in. Perhaps, you would feel most comfortable attending worship at first before trying different classes.
Emmanuel Baptist Church
300 N. Pennsylvania
Webb City, MO 64870
Where do you gather for worship?
We meet at the corner of Austin and Pennsylvania in the heart of Webb City, Missouri. Our address is 300 N. Pennsylvania, Webb City, Missouri.
What should I wear?
We encourage people to come as they are. Spiritually come as you are. Physically come as you are. There are people from all walks of life here at Emmanuel. Please don’t go out and buy a new wardrobe to come to church.
What time do you meet for Sunday Morning Worship?
We have two services on Sunday morning. We have a service at 11:00. The service is around one hour long.
Should I bring anything?
If you have a Bible we encourage you to bring it because the pastor’s messages come from the Bible.
What is the music like?
Our music is a blend of new and old songs. We have a worship team and choir that helps lead our church to worship the Lord Jesus. Although the kind of music is important to many, we desire to sing songs about Jesus and to Jesus in our worship. Our desire is to have a genuine heart of worship. We want people to connect with Jesus in the music that is presented.
Do I need to plan to give money when I come to church?
There will be a time when we worship the Lord by giving to Him a portion of what He has given to us. We encourage this to be done out of a heart of gratitude. Our regular church attenders are encouraged to give. If you would like to give that would be great. Giving or not giving is simply between you and God.
Do you have Bible Studies for people of all ages?
Actually, we do have Bible Studies for all ages. We call our Bible Study groups Sunday School.
What time do the Sunday School Bible Study Classes meet?
All of our classes meet at 9:30. We have classes for kids, students, young adults, parents, empty nesters, grandparents, and everyone in between.
Where do they meet?
All our groups meet at the church. When you arrive at church we have greeters that can help you find the right class that fits you.
Do you have a time of prayer and Bible Study throughout the week?
You are welcome to come to our mid-week prayer time and Bible Study. We meet in the sanctuary for our prayer time at 6:00. We have Bible Study from 6:30 to 7:30.
Do you have Bible Studies and/or activities for students and kids?
We have Sunday Bible Study Classes for kids and students. They meet on Sunday morning at 9:30. We also have mid-week student and kids activities that meet on Wednesday evening. Our kids meet for WOW kids starting at 6:00 and going until 7:30. Our Students meet for Wednesday Night Ministry from 6:00 to 7:30. Our kids and students have a meal starting at 6:00. Our Wednesday kids and student ministry activities meet in the activities building.
We have little ones, do you have a nursery available?
We have a nursery available for our Sunday morning and evening services. We also provide a nursery for little ones for our Wednesday evening activities. The nursery is for ages 0-3.
Do you have children’s church on Sunday mornings?
We have Children's Church on Sunday mornings during the 11 am service for children ages 5 years old thru the 3rd grade. We have a toddlers nursery time for 2-4 year olds also available during the 11 am service.